God Is Humble

Abba Father i ask that i may know this Truth in my deepest being.  That You Lord would live it out through me here on earth.

Jesus humbled Himself.  Jesus can not be anything other than what He is.  Jesus is God. Therefore God is humble.  Humble to the point of not only unto death but death so that We May Have life.  He already had life.  He is LIFE!  He humbled Himself unto man! i can never know this depth of humility Lord.  It is only as i die that You may live this life in me.

In my finite mind i separated humility from God as if it were an entity unto itself.  Something outside of God, to be taken up.  This i learned today from my Lord is not the case.  Humility is not outside of God , it is God!

It is easy to attach love to God and aspire to reach that attribute.  Humility not so much.  As much as i thought love was the hardest i now see humility is far greater for without this there can be no love.

Father empty me.  Take this vessel that You called into being and fill it with Your life.  For as much as You live in me is, there life at all.  Break me, crush me, pour me out, to fill me up, to pour me out again.  My sin is ever before me Lord it is against You and You alone O’Lord i have sinned.

Isaiah 55:9-11. Matthew  24:35

Father i am frustrated

Jesus was at the formation of the world.  Was the ONLY PERFECT HUMAN  that will ever exist.   He could not get people to believe Him.  Hear the truth behind what He was saying.  He had people say He was wrong, wrong theology, wrong actions.

Why Father do i get frustrated expecting people to see and believe that which i say is from You, if Jesus Himself couldn’t do it.  i truly am prideful hu?

Everyday i go through the same thing.   i am speaking Your words, being transformed into Your image and still am told i know nothing because of the times i fail in speaking love.   i guess this was You showing me just how deadly sin is.  i could do 99% right but that 1% of sin will cause death.  separation from You.   For me to be so prideful that i feel people should see only the Good You do through me.  When Jesus who was ONLY 1000% Good,1000% LOVE.  They denied.

wow Father  how dare i think that i can teach humility, faith, and love.   Your showing me my heart, is so kind of You.  As Graham says “You are either learning a new aspect of God or going deeper in Revelation”.  This is clearly deeper Revelation of my pride.  Thank You Father for not leaving me where i am.   You Gently Humble me to  Listen

Jesus Thank You for answering my prayer of Reveal Yourself to me.  For i am only glimpsing what frustration You went through with us humans and “our wisdom”

ok i get it it’s  “holy righteousness” we think.   We talk to people all the time.  We get frustrated when they don’t understand the part we need to fix project, or the directions we need to find our way, what you need done at job, so on and so forth.  That frustration is enough all unto itself.  So we act frustrated without even caring or noticing.   But when you’re talking about God, and the person doesn’t understand.  Truly hears it as foreign.  (wow)   That frustration God showed me is my ” holy righteousness”.  Because i am conveying Gods message everyone should understand right?  (judgment)  so if i get frustrated i think it is JUSTIFIED!    Jesus i believe got frustrated, difference is He didn’t act it out in anger like i do.  He Loved back.  He was patient enough to keep repeating Himself countless ways.   He also was Wise enough to know whom to share with.  ” don’t cast your pearls before swine.”  Only God knows who is ready to Receive.  We  not to judge that.  We listen for who He says speak to.   Sometimes we listen and when the person doesn’t receive and accuses you of fallacy.  We get frustrated, i get frustrated to the point of walking away.  This is transformation on Gods part.  i use to yell, scream, put hammers through T.V.  So i see the fruit, that others can not see.  Hence my “holy righteousness on you told me to tell them”   God is not only using you to share Gospel He is using them to show you your heart and where “YOU NEED HIM TO KEEP /GIVE YOU PEACE…..(LIFT THE VEIL THAT”S MY PRAYER).   If it were easy what would we gain?     O.K   we would gain a friend, so with this friend you then have fellowship, common ground, you want to bless your friend, be kind to your friend……….This is what God wants from us.   To be Friends.  He wants us to listen and understand that which He says.    Father forgive me for not listening to you, letting this world drown out Your Still Small Voice.   Father doesn’t scream.

Father it is against You and You alone i sin.  Forgive me for walking away, frustrated at lack of communication.  You know all to well how that is.   You speak and we do not hear.   Teach me Father to remain in LOVE.  Put a guard over my mouth.  That i may only speak YOUR LIFE.   Father Thank You for this heart experience with You.  That i may know Your ways and walk in them.    Father Thank You for the Holy Spirit i feel welling within.   Be Glorified Father.  Jesus how sweet You are.  Reveal more and more Please.

Ok Father here’s the thing You already know.   i love talking with You.  i love that You Blessed me with a blog to share with whoever You send here.   Forgive me for telling You who i should/not and if i should/not have conflict  with.  Help me to focus on all that You do.   None of me ALL of You.

i just had the most AMAZING OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.    Jesus revealed Himself as never before.  What He did for us, How we perceive Him.   God showed me scripture, put a guard over my mouth  that i may only speak Your life, Oh that i may know the number of my days, so i do not grow weary in serving you.  oh that i were not born for the task at hand seems to unbearable.  If i knew it was temporary how easier that makes it.   We want others to see God shine through us.  God wants that too.  All we saw and remember is The Light Jesus shined.

New revelation.  Call those things into being which are not.  speak to those dry bones life.   i  spoke scripture and then asked for more and more.  i write a paragraph and by next paragraph that is exactly that which i asked for happening to me.   Water that does not make you thirst.  Pouring out of you…… Praise Jesus He IS WORTHY!


Romans 8

Absolutely there is no condemnation in those that dwell in Christ Jesus.

Where i get frustrated is that we take this verse and use it to justify ourselves.   God wants Thankful hearts.  He wants us to be so Grateful that we are made right in His eyes.  We are to see this Holy Scripture and say Thank You Father, Thank You Jesus that You not only gave up Your rights, You so rightly deserve.  But came to this earth never throwing Your Rightful weight around.  Letting others mock You, beat You, Crucify You.  You did this for us.  Sinful self-serving us.   How can i show gratitude to You Lord?

i am one of those Christians that drives people nuts!  For i never say, nor do i ever want to say ” i believe in Jesus i am going to heaven.”  This i personally feel contradicts many of Scripture. (search the Scriptures for yourself)  Want i want is a pure heart, a Thankful heart.  i want to serve Him not knowing if i’ll get in.  This is where i think faith meets the rubber. ( sort of speak, rubber meets the road).  i want to serve Him for all He has already given me.  To much to ever count.

Why do we wait for heaven when the One we profess to believe in tells us.  PRAY THAT GODS WILL, WILL BE DONE ON EARTH.     We wait and wait.   My personal opinion, God is waiting on us.

We take Romans 8,10 and use it to become prideful.  We know/ have something others don’t.   Is it me or is this not TOTALLY CONTRADICTORY OF SCRIPTURE?   God wants NONE TO PERISH.

Lets take a closer look at ” many will come to me and say I prophesied in your name, healed others in Your Name.  He will say I NEVER knew you”.   WHY?   i feel it is cause we did these things not in gratitude but for self-serving reasons.  So others will look at us and think we are all that.   Good news is if i’m wrong God is Judge in the end.  so i am ok with being wrong.  i am also ok with seeking to have a pure heart, and gratitude without the insurance of a free ticket to heaven.

Father forgive me if i said anything contradictory to Your Holy Word.  If i did not, please pour out Your Spirit and resonate this in Your children’s hearts.  Father crush any pride in my heart.  Humble me Lord, that i may Glorify You and You  Alone.

was going to add Scripture but felt i would only be using it to justify my case and that would be no different then what i am complaining about.  Search for yourself Jesus tells us.

Jesus is the Way Truth and Life no one comes to the Father except though Him. Period case closed