God Is Humble

Abba Father i ask that i may know this Truth in my deepest being.  That You Lord would live it out through me here on earth.

Jesus humbled Himself.  Jesus can not be anything other than what He is.  Jesus is God. Therefore God is humble.  Humble to the point of not only unto death but death so that We May Have life.  He already had life.  He is LIFE!  He humbled Himself unto man! i can never know this depth of humility Lord.  It is only as i die that You may live this life in me.

In my finite mind i separated humility from God as if it were an entity unto itself.  Something outside of God, to be taken up.  This i learned today from my Lord is not the case.  Humility is not outside of God , it is God!

It is easy to attach love to God and aspire to reach that attribute.  Humility not so much.  As much as i thought love was the hardest i now see humility is far greater for without this there can be no love.

Father empty me.  Take this vessel that You called into being and fill it with Your life.  For as much as You live in me is, there life at all.  Break me, crush me, pour me out, to fill me up, to pour me out again.  My sin is ever before me Lord it is against You and You alone O’Lord i have sinned.

Isaiah 55:9-11. Matthew  24:35

God does second chances

i do not know where to begin.  i guess with feeling rejected.   It’s summer, it’s the weekend.   Though i love blogging it do not want to sit and do it all day.  i like to live and then share.  But there was nothing to do.  No one i thought would want to do anything with me.  God is Good, so Boy do i have a Praise report for you.

i was not feeling loved and decided to go out for a drive.  i left the easy-pass at home so i don’t do N.J again, against God’s wishes.  After some time i go see mom.  No rewards for my motives were selfish, not that of service.  i get a text from my friend wants to meet for dinner.  At the place that serves great bread and oil.  Not to mention their crab dip.   i haven’t eaten all day so she didn’t have to twist my arm.  i was lonely too.

As i walk through the parking lot.  The Spirit tells me to pray for meeting with my friends.  That God may use me to minister love.   i get in and it smells like heaven.  i Thank God for having a friend that came in time of need, and privilege to eat so good.

i sit down and continue in Prayer and Thanksgiving .  The waitress is talking to older women next to me.  Telling them she just dropped her oldest son off in Boston.  He is doing missionary work there, then 2 weeks seminary, then off to Nicaragua.  i say is soft voice YEAH.   They start talking about her foot.  That she had surgery, but was in N.Y yesterday and it seems fine today.  Old school injury.    As she leaves i say excuse me i do not mean to be rude but since you raised your children in the way they should go.   i do not know how you feel about praying, but may i pray for your foot.  She said Yes.  i said is here ok?  She said yes.  i nearly lost it telling her how privileged i was to serve.  How happy i was that we would Glorify God.  i got on my knees asked her name, Laurie.  Than  began to Thank God for His precious daughter Laurie.  i prayed healing in the name of Jesus.  Restoration back to how God designed, perfect.  Thanked Him for Healing.      i Thanked her so much for privilege.  Then began my slight rocking back and forth in chair as i declared His Goodness.   He used me.  He Blessed me.  He used me in spite of the fact that i was in sin.  (don’t ask, someone out there would judge  me in sin)  but i was  sinning for i was judging someone all day.  Looking at their down falls instead of God’s Glory.  There i am rocking back and forth and realize the last time i was here i felt the Spirit ask me to pray healing over someone’s ears.  i didn’t.  i wasn’t sure?  Kept asking is that You God???  Now i knew He wanted me to pray over her foot.  For as soon as she spoke of it.  i felt the Spirit say “She is telling you what to pray for, here’s an opportunity to ask if that is what she wants”.

i was so excited i had to write it down.  Had no paper.  Resolved to waiting till i get home.  God points out that  is what deposit slips at bottom of checkbook are for.  i am hot on it.   My friend, her girlfriend of 18 years, and daughter show up.  i so want to keep writing but Spirit says greet in love.  So i greet and say i just need to write this down.  My friend knowing me so well tells me not to talk so she can get daughter settled.  This allows me time to finish my writing.  Best friend i tell you.  So i sit on it (the story).  For i  know not all company will understand.   Forgive me Father i just made a judgment not allowing You to speak what You wanted into those at the table.

So i wait till her friend and daughter leave for restroom, and share the story with my friend.  Praying that God uses it to minister to her.  i mentioned that God in His wisdom had it happen before She came, for they i do not believe would have liked me asking, let alone kneeling and praying for stranger.   God’s timing is perfect.   Last time i think i chickened out because i was with someone.

Now it’s 10 pm and i am blogging outside with tiki torch and all.  Trying to see the letters on keyboard.  So worth it.  For this is one more adventure in my scrapbook of memories.   i guess i do have it that good.   My kid (the favorite) is by my feet and all.  She is a cat, night hunter.  Just the other day ate the head off a rabbit.  Yet she chooses to stay here with me then hunt.  THAT’S MY GIRL!  said with Brooklyn accent

Father how can i count the Blessings you give me.   THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU

Bottom of the 9th score tied 7th of series Mets vs. Yankee’s at old Shea stadium

Father May we all Humble ourselves before You.  That’s right WE ALL WILL. IT IS WRITTEN.

My husband likes to do apologetics with me on this topic i am about to write.

Yesterday when i was writing what God was showing me.  i broke out in prayer several times.   Writing each of the prayers as i went.  What you read will be an exert of the full writing. i have been trying for 2 days now to get all of it out but, God had different plans.  Last plan i learned so much from.  Lets learn on this one together.

Father help me to not focus on the wrath of You or this world,  As i would judge it.  Help me to focus on all that is Good, Lovely and Pure. Thankful for all that surrounds me.  Your Grace and Mercy.  Ever wanting to humble myself before You, no matter where i am or who i am with.

That means at the President’s house for dinner.  Ball park, work, store, Etc. And God says ” lay before me, lay down My child, Rest and listen.”  i want to do it willingly.  Even at what i consider the best game of all time.  Whether real or imaged.  In front of whom ever i deem to be the most important person on earth.

Would we do it?

He would never ask such a thing we tell ourselves.  My husband likes to say you’re drawing attention to yourself, it’s pride.  Yeah right who would think humbling themselves face flat on floor/gravel in front of Your boss/anyone.  To give Praise and Honor to God as prideful?????  just got that answer Thank You Father.  i never knew how to refute that before.

What if He did, is He not Worthy?   If He did say that and you had No Doubt it was Him, No Fear of man looking at you like you are crazy,  Willing to go to jail because the country you’re in won’t let you do such a thing.  (God just added that  last one)

Would you do it  Get on your face before God which you can’t see with the naked eye.  Praise Him, Thank Him, Sing of His Glory, Mercy, and Goodness??????

Father may i have this heart that seeks You.

Do i share this Lord?  Do i post it?

Father ABBA Please do not let me war against my flesh or any flesh.  May i put on the full armor of God  and Yield to Only Your Word.       Isaiah 55:10-11  And Know that You are Victorious.

For in the day evil comes.  i want to be able to stand with the Truth so deeply imbedded that it is Vital to All i do.  That Your Righteousness is All that Shines through.  That i am Always ready to answer the call.  That Peace may come from my heart.  That my faith in You is what covers it all.  Know that  the Salvation to fight ONLY  comes from Your Son Jesus.  Who showed us, died for us, and then came back to life.  To Reign!  Jesus has received His reward.  (added: Jesus lift the veil that we may see You on Your Throne NOW)

We are His inheritance.  Jesus may i be a reward worth getting.  Jesus may You reveal Yourself more and more to me/us.  i am to radiate You and i know so little.  i know You went to the Father ALWAYS.  i do not know the Jesus that Endured ALL TEMPTATION.   i foolishly believe You can not understand, my temptation or sin.   Reveal Yourself Jesus so that i may have fellowship and learn from You.

Thank You for revealing apart from the Spirit i can NOTHING.

So there i finally got most of it out.  Took 3 posts but i think God’s way was much better.  It didn’t make sense to me when i re-read it in notebook.

Father may these words breathe Your Life.   Isaiah 55:10-11

Day of rest

i am starting to understand the spirit world. It is written we do not war against man but of spiritual principalities. This doesn’t make sense till you understand we are made Spiritually. What we think, affects us spiritually.
Have you ever been around someone and you just didn’t feel right? People call it negative energy. This is what i am talking about. i am learning that when a person is thinking negatively either about God, themselves, or others. They give off the spirit of what they are thinking about, bitterness, anger, pride….. weather we are aware of it or not we pick this up. This is what we war against. We think it is the people but it is rather their emotional state coming out in their actions. Most times their issues aren’t even with us. They’re unresolved issues with God, themselves, or others/us.
So i am learning that if i see everything as coming from God then i won’t look at the person and their behavior but rather look for what God is trying to show me.
Either about myself (heart) or the person(s) (heart).
Then comes the hard work. Because if it is our hearts God is showing us then we have to look at it. (humble ourselves, and ask forgiveness) If it is the others we have to show love in spite of their actions. This also tells us what to pray for the person. This is how we show Jesus to others.
Lately i have been around negative people. Mostly unforgiving people. The energy they gave off was draining me. i was taking it to God and asking Him what He wanted to tell me. Aside from the always standard “you have done the same” God was showing me that without Him i can not show love to such people. i have to rely on His Grace to give grace to them.
Yesterday was a breaking point to me. i was tired hungry, and taking on these people’s bitterness, and unforgiving spirit. Father forgive me for the unkind words i said.
When my roommate got home after work i had nothing left.
God in His infinite Wisdom knew that we as humans can only learn so much at a time. (God can accelerate this though) This is the reprieve thing i wrote about posts ago.
So my roommate was kind, loving and showed me God’s love for me. i sat there Thanking God that He did not ask me to keep giving what i did not have. Thank Him for His Kindness to me. i listen to my roommate share God’s wisdom of how we worship for our own benefit not to Praise God. (sometimes), another story don’t read into it)
i heard God say “there will be a time when you will be able to handle so much more. Jesus endured more and my Purpose is to transform you into Jesus”. (Jesus ALWAYS went to the Father for Peace/Grace)
So i now Thank God in the mist of the storm for it builds endurance and i Thank Him when it is over. i have learned to Thank Him in others negative behavior as well. For now i know it is not man we war against but of spirits and principalities. (Revelation of His Word)
satan gets us to look at ourselves/others God gets us to look at Him. See God at work in the interaction. What is God’s goal in the situation?
i would like to add that we can also give off positive energy. When we are happy, resting in God, calm, peaceful we share these with people also. This is how we show others that to Rest is God is not a struggle. This is how we are to represent God to others. It is Written “all that is true, honorable, pure, and lovely, admirable think on these things”
Here is Philippians 4:4-9
4. Always be full of Joy in the Lord. I say it again-rejoice! 5.Let Everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is Coming Soon. 6. Don’t worry about Anything; Instead, Pray about Everything. Tell God what you need, and Thank Him for All He has done.
7. (promise to what you just did) Then you Will Experience God’s Peace, WHICH EXCEEDS ANYTHING WE CAN UNDERSTAND. His Peace Will Guard your hearts and minds as you live IN CHRIST JESUS. 8. And now dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, pure, lovely and admirable. Think about things that are Excellent and Worthy of Praise. 9. Keep Putting into Practice All you learned and received from me- everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of Peace Will Be With you. (Paul wrote this WHILE IN PRISON what’s our excuse to not do the same?)
Father Isaiah 55:10-11 tells us Your Word NEVER RETURNS VOID. May Your word bear Fruit from this post. Be Glorified Father.