The Life of the Prophet Jeremiah

People Speak His Word there is LIFE IN IT. Father may i never have a famine of YOUR HOLY WORD may i ever speak it.

Cindy Livingstone Ministries® Revivalist

Jeremiah’s Message from God And How it Still Applies

Jeremiah was the Prophet called to the Nations to bring about moral correction to the backsliding people. He was to make it clear to Israel the consequences that would come from their sinful ways and how the conformity or lack of conformity to God and His plan for them will affect their future. Jeremiah’s conviction to God was of a man formed of iron pillars. (Vs. 1:18) He was a magnificent man of God who endured great hardship for the message of God. He was also a man of many tears “The Weeping Prophet”. His heart broke for the people who would not adhere to the word of God. He was called in the womb; by God to fulfill an eternal destiny. As Jeremiah knew the sovereignty of God he also knew that the revelation of God’s word would apply for…

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